In conjunction with Thanks in Variations, Classical Uprising, Temple Beth El, Woodfords Congregational Church, and the Episcopal Church of Saint Mary host a Day of Gratitude and Mitzvot (good deeds) at the Thompson’s Point South Garden on Sunday, April 18, from 1:30 to 3:30 pm.
The community is invited to participate in an afternoon of family-friendly activities that will cultivate gratitude and support Mainers in need. Audiences are encouraged to bring non-perishable food, cleaning supplies, new toiletries, and other goods to benefit Maine Needs, Project FEED, and the Animal Refuge League of Greater Portland. Activities will include guided meditation for all ages, writing thank-you postcards to essential workers, assembling donation kits, and adding to the community gratitude board.
Thompson's Point South Garden is located directly behind Brick South facing the Fore River (the opposite side from Bissell Brothers, Stroudwater Distillery, etc.).